November 7, 2023

The Next Generation of Fashion Talent and the Workplace

BoF panel event on 'The Next Generation of Fashion Talent and the Workplace' at the Jimmy Choo Academy. From left: Rhianna Cohen, creative director at Mørning, Pavel Dler, founder and CEO at Culted, and Erifili Gounari, founder of The Z Link.


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Gen-Z has entered the workforce, and as the largest generation, their presence and impact are only set to grow, steering workplace culture and employee expectations along the way.

Among what sets them apart from previous generations is their values-driven nature. For instance, one-third of people between the ages of 18 and 24 years-old would take a pay cut if it meant their jobs could contribute more meaningfully to society, according to a 2022 study by human resource consulting firm Randstad. Meanwhile, 77 percent of Gen-Z individuals surveyed by Deloitte in their “Welcome to Gen-Z” report believe it’s important to work at organisations which have values that align with their own.

Their preferred communication styles and methods, both in and out of the workplace, have been shaped by their upbringing as digital natives, further influenced by their education shifting into digital spaces throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, 77 percent of Gen-Z individuals in hybrid roles would consider looking for another job if their employer asked them to work on site full-time, while 16 percent would immediately start looking for a new role.


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