After its debut show during London Fashion Week, Prof. Jimmy Choo’s JCA I London Fashion Academy has announced the opening of a new campus in Brentford, West London, centered on artisan design and craftsmanship. The new academy will focus on artisan crafts, design and accessory-making as well as grooming a new wave of creative talent. The historic building will house atelier workshops and design studios with specialist fabrication tools plus event spaces open to the public that will act as a venue for arts-and-crafts markets. Moreover, the academy aims to create a long-term progressive socioeconomic impact on the local community of Brentford. Based on a simple subscription model and following in the footsteps of the JCA I London Fashion Academy’s incubator approach, the co-working studio spaces are designed to help the next generation of designers not only create products but also market them under the guidance of industry specialists.